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Cockpit 179

  • Machines: Detach disk support
  • Machines: Offer cockpit-machines as Application

Is Cockpit Secure?

Security is vital to your Linux systems. It’s not a binary thing though.Depending on your requirements you end up choosing a level of security thatstill allows you and your systems to accomplish what they need to do.Here’s info about Cockpit’s security, to helpyou make those choices. You’ll find not only...

Cockpit 176

  • Login: Suggest other browser when browser is unsupported
  • PackageKit: Install auto-updates backend on demand

Cockpit 172

  • System: Offer installation of PCP
  • Software Updates: Improve layout in mobile mode
  • Remove ability to drop privileges from navigation bar
  • Introduce flow control for all channels
  • Python 3 support

Cockpit 171

  • Machines: Add virtual CPU configuration
  • Kubernetes: Add KubeVirt pod metrics
  • Docker: Show container volumes
  • Fix broken actions for non-administrators
  • Networking: Handle non-running NetworkManager
  • Accounts: User role improvements
  • Localize times